Name: Alisdare Oliphaunt | Rank: Gryphon Knight | Inducted: War of the Iron Fist 2013 | Knighted: War of the Iron Fist 2014 |  Current Location: Edmond, OK | Weaponsets: Glaive, Sword & Board, Flail & Shield

Events Attended: War of the Iron Fist VIII, IX, X, XI | Gates of Summer IX, X, XI| Ragnarok XXVIII, XXIX | Storm of Swords

Tournaments Won: Four Horsemen – War of the Iron Fist XI | 2v2 – War of the Iron Fist X, XI; Gates of Summer X, XI | Savage – War of the Iron Fist XI; Gates of Summer XI | Decathalon – Storm of Swords 2018 | The bridge a faux pass warlord tournament champion/great weapon champion 2021 | Seven deadly sins bear pit champion 2018-2020